The zakat, waqf, and Islamic philanthropy systems are rapidly developing worldwide. In Malaysia, specifically, and globally, these systems are increasingly accepted as mediums for economic development and social restructuring. The potential for these systems is bright and must be empowered and elevated in line with the growth of the Islamic economic and financial systems.
Various contemporary issues concerning zakat, waqf, and Islamic philanthropy, including infaq, sadaqah, hibah, faraid, wasiat, inheritance, volunteerism, and others in aspects of management, da'wah, education, research, legislation, enforcement, investment, and more, need to be shared by academicians, Islamic scholars, and industry players to ensure their implementation meets shariah requirements and provides motivation and positive impact.
Thus, the Institut Kajian Zakat Malaysia (IKaZ), Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, is compelled to organize the 6th International Conference on Zakat Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy (ZAWFI) to realize these aspirations through the roles of zakat and waqf as catalysts in empowering Islamic social finance. ZAWFI 2024 is the sixth series following the success of the 1st ZAWFI 2017 (at ACIS UiTM), 2nd ZAWFI 2018 (at Bluewave Hotel Shah Alam), 3rd ZAWFI (at Intekma Resort and Convention Centre Shah Alam), 4th ZAWFI 2020 (online), and 5th ZAWFI 2022 (online).